
Accessing the knowledgebase

After registering you will have free access to the information on our knowledgebase.


Information we collect will solely be used for improving our services for you. Your personal data will be kept confidential and not passed on to third parties.

How to register


In the header bar, click Log in.
The login page appears.

In the menu, select Registration.
The registration page appears.
Enter data.

Click Send.
If the registration was successful (all mandatory fields completed), a new page appears. From there, you can directly access the knowledgebase start page. Additionally, you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration.
If an error occurred during registration, an error message will appear. You can then complete or correct your entries and click Send again.


Fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and may not be left empty. You can alter or complete you personal data on your Profile page.


Every registration is processed manually. The reason for this is that the knowledgebase has a modular structure based on levels; after your registration, you will be assigned a personal access level per product group. This might take up to two working days.

Immediately after registration, you will have a basic access (level 1) to our knowledgebase. As soon as your access levels have been determined we will contact you by e-mail.