Conditions of use


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Intellectual property

Except for references expressly to the contrary, all data, works, inventions, designs, concepts, ideas and other elements of these Internet pages (hereinafter called “Intellectual Property”) belong exclusively to Zumtobel GmbH, A-6850 Dornbirn (hereinafter called “Zumtobel”) or a company within the Zumtobel Group, or a third party licensing Zumtobel or the Zumtobel Group. Any use of the Intellectual Property including for personal purposes, is prohibited. Excepted from this, is personal, non-commercial viewing of the Internet pages by means of commercially available and non-modified browser software, as well as the preparation of a single print on paper solely for personal use. Zumtobel and/or third parties authorised by it and/or third parties who have suffered damage are in the case of infringement also entitled to judicial enforcement and restitution of the legal status in addition to any claim for compensation.

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No confidentiality

Communication by e-mail is uncoded over the Internet and may be read with simple technical means by third persons, and are clearly related not only to the sender but also to the recipient. It is therefore strongly inadvisable to communicate confidential information to Zumtobel or to third parties by e-mail.

No confidentiality for availability

Availability of the Internet pages or of certain parts thereof is at no time guaranteed. Zumtobel may limit availability of the Internet pages at any time for particular or unlimited periods and/or alter or remove the contents.

No liability

All liability of Zumtobel arising out of or in connection with use of the Internet pages or connected with offers made by third parties via links with the Internet pages, is excluded.

Applicable law

In as far as a contractual relationship should arise at all between you and Zumtobel, it shall be governed solely by the laws of Austria not including cross-referenced rules.